Real Story真故事13-The kitchen lesson厨房里的故事




frank微信:85374510;We are in a society where there are so many moments in life but a special one missed: finding ourselves. The society is being tested and we are lost, in a moment we always want to know who we really are, why we are here, and how to be a better person. This is Real Story, we are on. 我们在这个多彩的社会 里逐渐失去自我,失去寻找真实的自己,我们总是在迷惑于自己到底是谁,为何于此,及如何变成更好的自己。这里是真故事,让我们感受真实的力量。。。(我自己写的却翻译的很渣,欢迎大家翻译并留言哦)

本文提要:我们可以从厨房里学会很多道理,这不仅仅有关食物,还有人生… …


Hi, I’m Frank for Real Story. 

In traditional Chinese culture, it’s one of women’s jobs to cook and a husband never walks close to the kitchen. This seems to change as time passes by as there are more women working in the office. I remember when I was a kid in the 1980s, my mom never joined the table when there was a guest in the house. It seemed that women could only work at the “backstage”, and men did all the social things. Then I rented an old apartment with a small and simple kitchen in it, I started to learn how to cook. The first thing came to my mind about cooking was trying to remember what my mom did in the kitchen.


Cooking is not so difficult if you set your mind into it and a cooking book might help much too. No matter what you prepare for your table, I’m sure that you will feel much happier to cook for your family than for yourself, because sometimes cooking means more than the food itself. One of the lessons I learnt in the kitchen is there are things that don’t go along with each other in a dish, for example: starch and potatoes(there is much starch淀粉 in a potato) ,just like in life, some people cannot be friends with each other, and we can respect that.


As a child Chloe was close to her grandmother Doris. She remembers the lessons her grandmother taught her, especially in the kitchen. She said Doris was a “spitfire”. To describe a person as a spitfire, it means a woman who is easily angry. Here’s what Chloe says about the lesson she learnt.*** Chloe’s voice****



That’s Chloe telling her story. She said her grandmother used to tell her the sky was a black velvet and the stars were holes punched in the ceiling of heaven, and that was how our loved ones looked down at us, and saw if we were doing wrong or if we were doing right or just check in on us every so often.她说她的祖母过去常告诉她,夜晚的天空是一块黑色的天鹅绒,星星是天顶漏光的小孔,我们深爱的人透过这些小孔向下看着我们,查看我们是否我们有犯错,还是表现的好,亦或是偶尔看看我们而已。每次望向夜晚的天空,Chloe都能看见她的祖母在那凝望。



You are listening to Real Story, I’m Frank. This pod-cast is written and made by me, but it will not be made possible without Your support, let me know your stories. You can subscribe for more stories and leave your comments too. Until next time, thanks for listening. (本文作者Frank老师,转载请注明出处。听取更多“真故事”系列,别忘记点赞和订阅哦~!)~ Written by Frank X; Background music背景音乐(不要问啦): brad mehldau – Blackbird; James Blunt-Bartender**


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