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在顶尖学术/精力管理/效能提升界,近年出现了一个席卷外网的名字——安德鲁·休伯曼 (Dr. Andrew Huberman)。他是一位著名的神经生物学家和斯坦福大学的终身教授,他倡导的具有强科学支撑的每日作息成为了许多人想要打卡养成的健康生活方式。
In the realm of energy management and productivity enhancement, a name has swept through the internet in recent years - Dr. Andrew Huberman. He is a renowned American neurobiologist and a tenured professor at Stanford University. The daily routines he advocates, which are strongly backed by scientific research, have become a healthy lifestyle that many aspire to adopt.
After trying out his "optimized morning routine" for a week, I'm excited to share what it's all about. As a big fan of the 80/20 rule, I've picked out three energy management tips from his routine that are zero-cost and super easy for anyone to do daily. The results? Instant and amazing—I've felt so energized, it's like I can fit three days into one!
Summary 直接先上小结:
Dr. Andrew Huberman's Morning Routine: 1️⃣ Drink 16-32 oz of electrolyte water; 2️⃣ 10-35 minutes of Yoga Nidra meditation; 3️⃣ 2-10 minutes of sunlight exposure within the first hour of waking up; 4️⃣ 2-6 minutes of cold exposure; 5️⃣ 1 hour of exercise; 6️⃣ Delay caffeine intake by 1.5-2 hours; 7️⃣ 5 hours of deep work
安德鲁·休伯曼博士的晨间步骤:1️⃣补充电解质水16-32oz + 2️⃣10-35分钟瑜伽式冥想 + 3️⃣起床一小时内2-10分钟光暴露 + 4️⃣2-6分钟冷暴露 + 5️⃣1小时健身 + 6️⃣延迟咖啡因摄入1.5-2小时 + 7️⃣空腹工作5小时
Harper's Simplified Three-Step Morning Routine: 1️⃣ Drink 400-500 ml of sea salt water; 2️⃣ Get 2-10 minutes of sunlight exposure within the first hour of waking up; 3️⃣ Do 1.5 hours of deep, fasted work with a clear reward for yourself
Harper精简版三步式晨间步骤:1️⃣补充海盐水400-500ml + 2️⃣起床一小时内2-10分钟光暴露 + 3️⃣空腹深度工作1.5小时并给自己明确的奖励
04:45 Dr. Andrew Huberman's Complete Morning Routine 安德鲁·休伯曼博士的完整晨间步骤
12:52 Morning Hydration 晨间补水:去像水牛一样喝水吧!对脑子好
15:32 Sun Exposure 光暴露:在清晨的户外散个步,顺便享受个"播客早餐"
18:34 Deep Work 深度工作:有丰盛的早餐等着我,空腹工作90分钟算什么!
21:23 Yoga Nidra 瑜伽休息术:虽然对我没什么效果,你可以试试看
22:27 Why We Need Morning Routines 我们为什么需要晨间步骤:将「维持生活」的事情流程化,精力才能留存到「推进人生」的事情当中去
🎵 "Lightly" by Ennio Mano
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