方汉明 宾夕法尼亚大学经济学系教授
Gareth 普林斯顿大学博士后研究员
邓欢 约翰霍普金斯大学经济学系博士生
08:00 统计歧视与偏见/政策初衷与政策效果
13:28 哈佛与美国亚裔协会的诉讼
15:30 商业间谍起诉中的歧视
25:45 研究中国经济
30:26 构造中国房地产指数
32:50 提高退休年龄为什么难?
40:00 对经济学博士生的建议
“An alternative test of racial prejudice in motor vehicle searches: Theory and evidence.” 2006. S Anwar, H Fang. American Economic Review 96 (1), 127-151
“Does affirmative action lead to mismatch? A new test and evidence.” 2011. P Arcidiacono, EM Aucejo, H Fang, KI Spenner. Quantitative Economics 2 (3), 303-333
“Red Scare? A Study of Ethnic Prejudice in the Prosecutions under the Economic Espionage Act.” 2021. H Fang, M Li. National Bureau of Economic Research
“Demystifying the Chinese housing boom.” 2016. H Fang, Q Gu, W Xiong, LA Zhou. NBER macroeconomics annual 30 (1), 105-166
“Golden Ages: A Tale of the Labor Markets in China and the United States. ”2021. H Fang, X Qiu
National Bureau of Economic Research.
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