第40期 马云到底退没退休?这两家媒体还吵起来了……
①Alibaba ‘s JackMa, china’s richest man , to retire from company he co-founded中国首富马云,将从他联合创办的企业退休。 词:retire"在韦氏词典的基本释意是to withdraw from one's position or occupation 从某人的职位撤离或退出。
②Mr. Ma is retiring as China’s business environment has soured, with Beijing and state-owned enterprises increasingly playing more interventionist roles with companies.马云即将退休的决定,正值中国的商业环境出现恶化,北京和国有企业对公司运营进行了越来越多的干预。
词:sour基本释意是smelling or tasting of decay ,某物闻起来尝起来有腐烂的味道,但指形势,情况和环境时等同于bad, wrong, 表示恶化。 例如: Lily our project gone sour我们的项目黄了,没戏了/情况变糟糕了。
③“He’s a symbol of the health of China’s private sector and how high they can fly whether he likes it or not,” Duncan Clark, author of the book “Alibaba: The House Jack Ma Built,” said of Mr. Ma. “His retirement will be interpreted as frustration or concern whether he likes it or not.”
词: frustration基本释意是the feeling of being annoyed or less confident because you cannot achieve what you want, 当你无法做到你想做到的时候,就会有不自信懊恼的感觉,称之为沮丧感。
④《南华早报》导语:An Alibaba spokesman said Ma remains the company’s executive chairman and will provide transition plans over a significant period of time, contrary to a New York Times article that said he was “stepping down” to “retire.” The Times story was taken out of context, and factually wrong, the spokesman said.
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