Five little monkeys jumping on the bed五只小猴子在床上跳
One fell off and bumped his head一只摔下来撞到了脑袋
Mama called the doctor妈妈打电话給医生
and the doctor said医生说
No more monkeys jumping on the bed不要再让小猴子在床上跳
Four little monkeys jumping on the bed四只小猴子在床上跳
One fell off and bumped his head一只摔下来撞到了脑袋
Mama called the doctor妈妈打电话給医生
and the doctor said医生说
No more monkeys jumping on the bed不要再让小猴子在床上跳
Three little monkeys jumping on the bed三只小猴子在床上跳
One fell off and bumped his head一只摔下来撞到了脑袋
Mama called the doctor妈妈打电话給医生
and the doctor said医生说
No more monkeys jumping on the bed不要再让小猴子在床上跳
Two little monkeys jumping on the bed二只小猴子在床上跳
One fell off and bumped his head一只摔下来撞到了脑袋
Mama called the doctor妈妈打电话給医生
and the doctor said医生说
No more monkeys jumping on the bed不要再让小猴子在床上跳
One little monkey jumping on the bed一只小猴子在床上跳
He fell off and bumped his head他摔下来撞到了脑袋
Mama called the doctor妈妈打电话給医生
and the doctor said医生说
No more monkeys jumping on the bed不要再让小猴子在床上跳
No little monkey jumping on the bed没有小猴子在床上跳
None fell off and bumped their heads没有一只感到不适和撞到脑袋
Mama called the doctor妈妈打电话給医生
and the doctor said医生说
Put those monkeys straight to bed让这些小猴子马上睡觉
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