天野喜孝 × HYDE
2013年8月,天野喜孝联同日本知名音乐人Hyde在日本推出了《天野喜孝×HYDE展 天命与背德~NIPPON EVOLUTION~》展览。在绘画与音乐方面受到高度评价的两人,风格上皆具有华丽、妖艳、富有幻想性的特点,艺术气质相互呼应。天野以Hyde为主角,创作出“在世界中展开翅膀的两种容貌(天使与恶魔)”,包含了绘画、全息摄影、模型等百件以上作品。
Yoshitaka Amano x HYDE
In August 2013, Yoshitaka Amano worked with famous musician Hyde to launch the Yoshitaka Amano x HYDE exhibition with the title of NIPPON EVOLUTION. The two men are both highly praised in their own field. Their works share the similar features of magnificence, sexual appeal, and fantasy. Therefore, the collaboration went naturally, using Hyde as his model, Amano created “the two faces of angel and demon with the same spreading wings,” which combined painting, hologram photography, and modeling art.
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