Real Story真故事14-That pizza暖心披萨




frank微信:85374510;We are in a society where there are so many moments in life but a special one missed: finding ourselves. The society is being tested and we are lost, in a moment we always want to know who we really are, why we are here, and how to be a better person. This is Real Story, we are on. 我们在这个多彩的社会 里逐渐失去自我,失去寻找真实的自己,我们总是在迷惑于自己到底是谁,为何于此,及如何变成更好的自己。这里是真故事,让我们感受真实的力量。。。(我自己写的却翻译的很渣,欢迎大家翻译并留言哦)

本文提要:在美国费城有家叫做ROSA’S的PIZZA店,持续在做一件暖心的事:鼓励顾客给无家可归的人花1美元买份pizza,得到这份PIZZA的顾客会留下便利贴(Post-It Note) …


pre-purchase 提前购买

in advance  提前

compassion  n.怜悯,同情

tremendous   a.巨大的

impact     n.影响


Hi, I’m Frank for Real Story.  

A pizza shop called Rosa’s in America allows his customers to pre-purchase slices of pizza for those in need. It warms up many homeless people and help them out of the street. Its owner is Mason Wartman. At Rosa’s, customers can do something very special: pay forward slices of $1 pizza for those in need with Post-It Notes. The customers show compassion toward the people in their community by buying a slice in advance that a homeless person can enjoy for free later on. 

People are saying that getting these people to just walk in and get a free pizza won't help them get off the street. I think the purpose of doing this is not just giving free pizza to the homeless, but trying to give them the spirit to be strong, providing for people so that they have enough energy to get through the day and find a new job. So they're not doing it for nothing.

This is such a cool idea. $1 is small change to most people, but can make a huge difference to homeless people. Wartman added that people “get to come in here, sit down, relax and then go back out and try to build their life back up and it’s great to provide that to them.”

But perhaps even more special are the customers who were once in a bad luck of their life and are now returning to pay it forward themselves. A customer called Dunn said:“Each little thing that you do really can have a tremendous impact.” “It makes me excited for the future.”

*** Wartman’s and his customers’ voice****



They are Wartman and his customers. I hope they will keep giving the $1 pizza to the homeless, and help them off the street. It is better to give than receive, like the saying goes, I believe this is true.

You are listening to Real Story, I’m Frank. This pod-cast is written and made by me, but it will not be made possible without your support, let me know your stories. You can subscribe for more stories and leave your comments too. Until next time, thanks for listening. (本文作者Frank老师,转载请注明出处。听取更多“真故事”系列,别忘记点赞和订阅哦~!)~ Written by Frank X; Background music背景音乐(不要问啦): Westlife - You Raise Me Up; Hotel Saint George - You Can Trust In Me**


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