Real Story真故事12-黑人奶奶Pinky




frank微信:85374510;We are in a society where there are so many moments in life but a special one missed: finding ourselves. The society is being tested and we are lost, in a moment we always want to know who we really are, why we are here, and how to be a better person. This is Real Story, we are on. 我们在这个多彩的社会 里逐渐失去自我,失去寻找真实的自己,我们总是在迷惑于自己到底是谁,为何于此,及如何变成更好的自己。这里是真故事,让我们感受真实的力量。。。(我自己写的却翻译的很渣,欢迎大家翻译并留言哦)



perfume    n.香水

nail polish  n.  指甲油

discriminate   vt.歧视

general store   杂货店


Hi, I’m Frank for Real Story. Many people in China know Martin Luther King because of his famous speech” I have a dream”, but very few know another black person: Madam C.J. Walker. Born on December 23, 1867, she made special hair products for African-American hair and was one of the first American women to become a self-made millionaire.

After suffering from a kind of hair loss, she invented a line of African-American hair care products in 1905, when most of black people were still discriminated by the society: According to the American law at that time, blacks were not allowed to sit anywhere with the white people in public. In some parts of America the law even said black people had to give their seats away to the white on buses and trains. It’s still hard to imagine how much the black people suffered back then. Even 100 years later today, we still hear the news about how black people are poorly treated once in a while.

Maybe all those things about them are very far from our lives, but I was very touched by Mary Ellen’s story about her great-grandma. Mary Ellen can't even look at a bottle of nail polish without seeing red. Her great-grandmother, Pinky Powell, was born just before the turn of the 20th century. Small but strong, she often told her great-grandkids about picking 100 pounds of cotton before lunchtime. As a child around 1910, Powell did home chores for the white woman of the house. The woman threw away some of her old perfume and nail polish, so Powell took them home. On Sunday, she sprayed the perfume, painted her nails, and got dressed up for church. But on Monday, the owner of the general store saw her nails at the check-out.


******Mary Ellen’s voice******

That’s Mary Ellen telling the story about her great-grandma, she said: "I still have that anger inside of me that someone would have that control over one person, just because they wanted to feel like a woman." You are listening to Real Story, I’m Frank. This pod-cast is written and made by me, but it will not be made possible without Your support, let me know your stories. You can subscribe for more stories and leave your comments too. Until next time, thanks for listening. (本文作者Frank老师,转载请注明出处。听取更多“真故事”系列,别忘记点赞和订阅哦~!)~ Written by Frank X; Background music背景音乐(不要问啦):

Soundtrack - Misery's Return; Ukulele Picnic - The water is wide**


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