

《孙小圣和猪小能》系列是著名儿童文学作家周锐的代表作之一,英译部分由美籍译者马凯龙倾心加盟翻译。 本书讲述的是《西游记》的后续故事,专门为青少年量身制作。你能想象出孙悟空和猪八戒分别当爸爸的情景吗?孙悟空的儿子孙小圣和猪八戒的儿子猪小能,他们之间能发生什么故事呢?精彩的故事正在上演! The son of monkey king series is a representative work of the famous author in children literature in China, Zhou Rui, and translated by American translator Austin Adams. This book is a continual series of the most well-known story of monkey king in China and also worldwide, which is especially written for young readers. Can you imagine what will happen when monkey king becomes a big daddy? The son of monkey king is named Little Sage, and Pig’s son is called Little Able. Their friendship and story just began.


中国古典诗词,是中化传统文化的瑰宝,也是民族精神的精华。在小学语文学习中,古诗词是重要的学习内容, 也是加强小学生对中华优秀传统文化的认识、全面提高学生文化素质的重要途径。 这本《小学生必背古诗词》,除了收录新课标和教学大纲要求的“古诗词背诵推荐篇目”75 首外,还根据小学生的认知特点增收了流传甚广、脍炙人口,适合小学生背诵的45 首拓展篇目,并在文中加入了字词解读、译文共赏、知识拓展、字形演变等板块,旨在激发、培养小学生学习传统文化的兴趣,丰富语言和情感积累,储备精神营养。
《孙小圣和猪小能》系列是著名儿童文学作家周锐的代表作之一,英译部分由美籍译者马凯龙倾心加盟翻译。 本书讲述的是《西游记》的后续故事,专门为青少年量身制作。你能想象出孙悟空和猪八戒分别当爸爸的情景吗?孙悟空的儿子孙小圣和猪八戒的儿子猪小能,他们之间能发生什么故事呢?精彩的故事正在上演! The son of monkey king series is a representative work of the famous author in children literature in China, Zhou Rui, and translated by American translator Austin Adams. This book is a continual series of the most well-known story of Monkey King in China and also worldwide, which is especially written for young readers. Can you imagine what will happen when monkey king becomes a big daddy? The son of monkey king is named Little Sage, and Pig’s son is called Little Able. Their friendship and story just began.
《孙小圣和猪小能》系列是著名儿童文学作家周锐的代表作之一,英译部分由美籍译者马凯龙倾心加盟翻译。 本书讲述的是《西游记》的后续故事,专门为青少年量身制作。你能想象出孙悟空和猪八戒分别当爸爸的情景吗?孙悟空的儿子孙小圣和猪八戒的儿子猪小能,他们之间能发生什么故事呢?精彩的故事正在上演! The son of monkey king series is a representative work of the famous author in children literature in China, Zhou Rui, and translated by American translator Austin Adams. This book is a continual series of the most well-known story of Monkey King in China and also worldwide, which is especially written for young readers. Can you imagine what will happen when monkey king becomes a big daddy? The son of monkey king is named Little Sage, and Pig’s son is called Little Able. Their friendship and story just began.