拜伦凯蒂 音频课程
Mind is the monkey that rides the tiger of unquestioned thoughts. Feed the tiger Inquiry?
The monkey / tiger image is not related to the Work of Byron Katie except though a concept of my thoughts.
The Work of Byron Katie
Description: Byron Katie
Byron Katie and her Work influenced how I see myself and the world in a positive manner.
The Work helps you see where you are at war with reality in shifting your perception simply by asking yourself four questions and using a turnaround, to achieve a better understanding.
Katie commonly refers to this process as Inquiry which can lead to Self-realization and the end of suffering.
The Four Questions
Is it true?
Can you absolutely know that it 's true?
How do you react when you think that thought?
Who would you be without the thought?
Turn the thought around.
Is that as true or truer?
Can you find another turnaround?